Gift Card rules
Gift Card rules


IMPORTANT: Currently, it is not possible to pay with digital format AKROPOLIS gift cards. Please visit the GERA DOVANA store in the shopping center, where your digital gift card will be exchanged for a new physical AKROPOLIS gift card free of charge.

1. AKROPOLIS Gift Card (the Card) shall be valid in shops, service and entertainment venues located in all shopping and entertainment centres AKROPOLIS (Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda and Šiauliai) which display information that it is possible to pay with a Gift Card here.

2. The Card is not refundable or exchangeable for money. When returning goods that have been fully or partially paid for by the Card, the trading place has the right to return the corresponding amount with a new Gift Card, a card of its own trading unit (network) or another method chosen by the trading place.

3. No VAT invoice shall be issued when purchasing Gift Cards. At the request of the Buyer, an invoice in the form established by the company “Gera dovana” may be issued at the point of sale of Gift Cards, which shall formalise the transfer of Gift Cards. Such invoice may be submitted to the Buyer only electronically by sending it to the email address indicated by the Buyer.

4. The Gift Card is protected by its unique barcode and other security measures.

5. Upon the expiry of the Card, the Card’s validity may be extended for an additional period of 6 (six) months but not longer than 12 (twelve) months from the date of sale of the Card, at the points of sale of Gift Cards for a one-time fee of EUR 1.45. Only unused Card balance shall be renewed. 12 (twelve) months after the purchase of the Card, it shall no longer be possible to use the unused Card balance, the Card shall be cancelled and may not be used any longer. 

Detailed Rules for the AKROPOLIS Gift Card can be found here.



1. You can buy the AKROPOLIS Gift Card at:

AKROPOLIS Vilnius, Ozo g. 25:

  • AKROPOLIS Information Centre (at the 3rd entrance of "Džiaugsmas");
  • Point of sale of "Gera dovana".

AKROPOLIS Kaunas, Karaliaus Mindaugo pr. 49:

  • AKROPOLIS Information Centre (1st floor);
  • Point of sale of "Gera dovana".

AKROPOLIS Klaipėda, Taikos pr. 61:

  • AKROPOLIS Information Centre;
  • Points of sale of "Gera dovana".

AKROPOLIS Šiauliai, Aido g. 8:

  • AKROPOLIS Information Centre;
  • Point of sale of "Gera dovana".

You can also buy an AKROPOLIS Gift Card online at


2. Gift Cards can be paid for in cash or by a bank card at all AKROPOLIS Information Centres and points of sale of “Gera dovana”.

3. AKROPOLIS Gift Card shall be available in optional denomination values, the Buyer can choose the denomination in the amount from a minimum EUR 10 to a maximum EUR 150, to the nearest of EUR 0.01.

4. The Gift Card shall be valid for 6 (six) months from the date of purchase. The start and end dates of the Card’s validity can be checked on the website or in all AKROPOLIS Information Centres.

5. Upon the expiry of the validity period, the Gift Card can be renewed for an additional period of 6 (six) months at the points of sales of the Gift Cards for a one-time fee of EUR 1.45. The Gift Card renewal shall be possible only within a period of one year from the date of purchase of the Gift Card.

6. The AKROPOLIS Gift Card shall not be refundable or exchangeable for cash.



1. The AKROPOLIS Gift Card can be used for payment at most shops and service outlets at all AKROPOLIS Centres in Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda and Šiauliai.

2. We are sorry but the AKROPOLIS Card cannot be used for payment at the following shops and service outlets:

At VILNIUS AKROPOLIS, the Gift Card shall not be accepted for payment at the following outlets:

  • shops: “H&M”, “Bottlery”, “Aurea Verum”,“Eurovaistinė” (for reimbursable medicines and infant formulas), “Maxima XXXX” (for tobacco, alcohol, utility services and lottery tickets), IQOS, “Ecodumas”, “Royal Smoke”, “Ploom”, “Skonis ir kvapas. Tabakas” (for tobacco products ), “Evelatus”, “Mnogoknig”, “TopTel”; „Premier‘‘; „Alkava‘‘; „Flexi skins‘‘.
  • service outlets: “Lietuvos paštas”, clothing repair shop “Linos artelė”, “Lietuvos draudimas”, “Raktai ir spynos”, “Gjensidige”, clock repair shop “Aukso invest”, clothing cleaning shop “Paulini”, “Avalynės taisykla”, beauty salon “Buržua”;
  • cafes and restaurants: “McDonald’s” and “McCafe”;
  • as well as at all banks, currency exchange, credit institutions, betting outlets, casinos and event ticket distribution points;
  • for payments at Christmas market trading points.  


  • to use AKROPOLIS Gift card in shop “H&M”, please exchange AKROPOLIS Gift into “H&M” Gift card for free in sales point “Gera Dovana”. More information;
  • In the "Pepco" store, AKROPOLIS gift cards are accepted ONLY with an additional condition: the amount is deducted from the card in increments of 1 euro, i.e., rounded to the cent.
  • To pay with gift cards at self-service or Scan&Go checkouts in the "MAXIMA XXXX" store, you first need to exchange it for a MAXIMA gift card.


At KAUNAS AKROPOLIS, the Gift Card shall not be accepted for payment at the following outlets:

  • shops: “Bottlery”, “Vynoteka”, “Eurovaistinė” (for reimbursable medicines and infant formulas), “Maxima XXX” (for tobacco, alcohol, utility services and lottery tickets),“IQOS”, “Royal Smoke”, “Viduržemio delikatesai”, “Skonis ir kvapas. Tabakas” (for tobacco products), „Boxo Fruits“, „Noriu Noriu Noriu“.
  • service outlets: “Centrinė raktų dirbtuvė”, “Lietuvos draudimas”, “A. Sabonio švaros centras “, “Paulini”, “Linos artelė”, beauty salon “Buržua”, "Svarstyklės", "Orchidė" flower shop, „Lietuvos paštas“.
  • cafes and restaurants: “Hesburger”, „Manhattan“.
  • as well as at all banks, credit institutions, betting outlets, casinos and gambling salons.


  • To pay with gift cards at self-service or Scan&Go checkouts in the "MAXIMA XXXX" store, you first need to exchange it for a MAXIMA gift card.


At KLAIPĖDA AKROPOLIS, the Gift Card shall not be accepted for payment at the following outlets:

  • shops: “Royal Smoke”, “Evelatus”, “H&M”, “Skonis ir kvapas. Tabakas” (for tobacco products), “Eurovaistinė” (for reimbursable medicines and infant formulas), “Maxima XXX” (for tobacco, alcohol, utility services and lottery tickets), “IQOS”, “Ecodumas”, “Vynoteka”, “Toptel“, “Mnogoknig”;
  • service outlets: “BTA draudimas”, “Lietuvos draudimas”, “Balticum”, “Lietuvos paštas”, “Raktų imperija”, clock repair shop, tailor shop, ticket sales points; 
  • cafes and restaurants: “Hesburger”;
  • as well as at all banks, currency exchange, credit institutions, betting outlets and casinos;
  • for payments at Christmas market trading points.  


  • to use AKROPOLIS Gift card in shop “H&M”, please exchange AKROPOLIS Gift into “H&M” Gift card for free in sales point “Gera Dovana”. More information;
  • In the "Pepco" store, AKROPOLIS gift cards are accepted ONLY with an additional condition: the amount is deducted from the card in increments of 1 euro, i.e., rounded to the cent.
  • To pay with gift cards at self-service or Scan&Go checkouts in the "MAXIMA XXXX" store, you first need to exchange it for a MAXIMA gift card.

At ŠIAULIAI AKROPOLIS, the Gift Card shall not be accepted for payment at the following outlets:

  • shops: “H&M”,  “Skonis ir kvapas. Tabakas” (for tobacco products),, “Royal Smoke”, “Vynoteka”, “Ecodumas”, “IQOS”, “MaximaXXX” (for tobacco, alcohol, utility services and lottery tickets), “Eurovaistinė” (for reimbursable medicines and infant formulas), “Evelatus; „Aromatic 89“.
  • service outlets: clothing cleaning shop “Paulini”, “Linos artelė”, “Lietuvos draudimas”, “Lietuvos paštas”, “Splius”, “MTTC”, “Simrakt”, “Perlas”, ticket sale points, beauty salon “Buržua”; „Švarūnė“.
  • as well as at all banks, credit institutions, betting outlets and casinos;
  • for payments at Christmas market trading points.  


  • to use AKROPOLIS Gift card in shop “H&M”, please exchange AKROPOLIS Gift into “H&M” Gift card for free in sales point “Gera Dovana”. More information;
  • In the "Pepco" store, AKROPOLIS gift cards are accepted ONLY with an additional condition: the amount is deducted from the card in increments of 1 euro, i.e., rounded to the cent.
  • To pay with gift cards at self-service or Scan&Go checkouts in the "MAXIMA XXXX" store, you first need to exchange it for a MAXIMA gift card.

More information can be found:

  • By contacting Vilnius AKROPOLIS Information center by phone: +370 6592 3632 (working hours from 10 a.m. to 09 p.m.);
  • By contacting Kaunas AKROPOLIS Information center by phone: +370 6593 8262 (working hours from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.);
  • By contacting Klaipėda AKROPOLIS Information center by phone: +370 659 94510 (working hours from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.);
  • By contacting Šiauliai AKROPOLIS Information center by phone: +370 6594 6062 (working hours from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.);
  • By contacting the company "Gera dovana" by phone: +370 5 205 2099 (working hours from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday);
  • Upon arrival at the Shopping and Entertainment Centre AKROPOLIS.

Detailed Rules for the AKROPOLIS Gift Card can be found here.

Working hours

I-VII 08:00 - 23:00
I - VII 10:00 - 21:00
I-VII 08:00 - 22:00
I - VII 08:00 - 22:00